Vision and Values
The best for everyone, the best from everyone
To foster an inclusive community, built on strong relationships, shared values and rich diversity; where all individuals have a sense of belonging, which enables them to flourish. Making CMA the place to be. Through education, we nurture excellence, build powerful knowledge, develop character and instil a life-long love of learning and self-discovery. Our young people leave us ready to take their place in the world and make a positive difference.
- Kindness: We think of others and act in a way that benefits our whole community.
- Hard work: We always try our best- this is crucial for sucess
- Resilience: We embrace challenges, take risks and never give up.
- Respect: We accept everyone on an equal basis and show courtesy to all. Respect begins with oneself.
- Honesty: We accept responsibility for our actions. We reflect so we can learn, move forwards and grow.
Our aims
- To help students become the best version of themselves so they can make sense of change, and improve the world
- To provide a knowledge-rich curriculum that enables students to be successful, to be challenged and to meet their full potential
- To foster an inclusive community that allows everyone’s identity to be recognised, celebrated and valued, and for individuals to flourish· To offer equity of opportunity to all members of the community, so they can develop the knowledge and skills needed to be successful
- Instil values and moral purpose so our students positively contribute to our community and beyond