The best for everyone, the best from everyone
We continue to provide a broad and balanced curriculum at KS4, aiming to provide our pupils with the best possible GCSE and Level 2 qualifications, preparing them to take the next steps into Post 16 study, employment or training.
The majority of pupils will take GCSE’s in the following subjects:
All KS4 pupils will study Core Physical Education (non – examination) and PSHE and Citizenship (non – examination)
Pupils will all select two English Baccalaureate subjects and choose one from History or Geography and one from Spanish or French.
Pupils also have two free choice subjects from the following:
Other KS4 courses offered at Cedar Mount Academy:
In addition, we have alternative pathways where they are better suited to our pupils needs such as Entry Level programmes in English, maths and science and the AQA Unit Awards.
EAL pupils who are new to English also can opt to study for the Access to English programme in option A reducing the number of GCSEs they study and giving them additional support.
Please see these curriculum guides for each year group: 2024-25
In addition to our curriculum content, this section demonstrates some of the work we have done on an anti-discrimination curriculum
Sex Education is presented within a moral framework, which not only provides information, but also encourages responsible behaviour. Parents/Carers are welcome to discuss the programme and the materials used with staff at The Academy.
Details of the knowledge students at Cedar Mount have by the end of their secondary career can be found by clicking on the links below.
As a parent/carer you have the right to withdraw your child from RE lessons. If you wish to withdraw your child from RE please put your request in writing to the Principal.
Relationships & Sex Education
It is important to focus on health and wellbeing so pupils can make well-informed, positive choices for themselves. The document below explains how this is taught, the topics it is placed within and when it is introduced.
Physical Health & Mental Wellbeing