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BBC Update

Category: News

Year 9 students were delighted to welcome back the BBC to deliver the first of four workshops during 22-23. Cedar Mount are one of five UK schools taking part in the workshops which have been created by BBC Education and influenced by our student’s content/data input in last year’s focus groups.

The workshop was entitled – How to tell if you’re being biased. 

Students discussed headline stories from online, TV and newspapers looking at the Bias/Balance to the articles. Analysing the words, the tone, the perspective and pictures, students discussed whether the articles were biased or balanced. It was clear our diverse community of students were able to look at “The other side of the story”, in one case, identifying racial bias within an article which supports the work and language the Academy have done on Anti Racism and Awareness.

Tess (Senior Producer), Daniella (Researcher) and Versha (Producer) went on to discuss their career path and roles. Students enjoyed a Q&A session about the many career and apprenticeship choices at the BBC.

Tess spoke of the BBC Young Reporter link whereby winning stories are published on BBC Broadcast – on the Young Reporter page and other BBC pages and platforms e.g – if the story is about disability, it could also be published on BBC Ouch.

It was pleasing to hear how much the students participating enjoyed the workshops. Word spread through the Academy and many students wanted to know how they could attend. The BBC were extremely impressed with student knowledge and understanding of the topics raised. Our students have helped the BBC to reach out and connect to young people locally.

Look out for exciting updates on our socials during 2023!

Proud to part of the Bright Futures Education Trust
Cedar Mount Academy
Gorton Education Village
50 Wembley Road, Gorton, Manchester, M18 7DT