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Duke of Edinburgh Trip

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On Saturday 7th May and Sunday 8th May, 39 students from Y9 completed their practice expedition in Leek for their Duke of Edinburgh qualification. Equipped with tents, walking boots, heavy bags, waterproofs and water, students were able to walk an average of 25,000 steps each day. There were lots of laughs, some tears of joy and sadness (when they thought they couldn’t do it) and lots and lots of blisters! But they all persevered, and made the Y9 family proud! The next expedition, where they will walk this alone without an instructor, is on Saturday 11th June and Sunday 12th June. We wish them lots and lots of luck!

Proud to part of the Bright Futures Education Trust
Cedar Mount Academy
Gorton Education Village
50 Wembley Road, Gorton, Manchester, M18 7DT